Corporate information

Logo de Hidralia


More than 25 years of experience


We are an Andalusia-based company working in the environmental sector, managing the complete water cycle and ensuring that the public receives the best service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Hidralia, Gestión Integral de Aguas de Andalucía, S.A., is an Andalusian company, whose headquarters are in Seville, and which is present in seven of the eight Andalusian provinces. In terms of shares, it is owned by the Andalusian bank Unicaja Banco S.A. and by the leading group in the environmental sector.


At the local level, Hidralia is committed to the development of the municipalities where it provides service by itself or through its joint ventures: Aguas de Huelva, Aguas de Montilla, Aguas de Benahavís, Aguas de Torremolinos, Emasagra and Aguasvira.

Sustainable development is the basis of Hidralia's management model and implies a way of understanding the business that contributes to generating shared value for all its relationship groups, including future generations. This approach obliges us to act according to the principles of corporate responsibility, that is, integrating into our management model not only economic variables, but also social, ethical and environmental ones, and placing people at the center of our strategy.

At Hidralia we have more than 25 years of experience in Andalusia.

Estructura de la organización


Presidente Ciril Rozman Jurado
Vicepresidente del Consejo de Administración Vicente Orti Gisbert
(en representación de Norteña Patrimonial, S.L.U.)
Vicepresidente del Consejo de Estrategia Santiago Muñoz Machado
Consejero Delegado Marcos Martín González
Consejeros y consejeras

Isabel Guirao Piñeyro
Jesús Ruano Mochales
(en representación de Camín de la Mesa S.A.U.)
Marcos Contreras Manrique
Montserrat Zamorano Toro
Patricia Cuevas Sarria
Raquel Barco Moreno

Secretario Fernando Tallarico