Unsuitable water in Marchena - Update of the current situation
While ARECIAR solves the problem of contamination originated in its Water Treatment Plant and the approval of Health is obtained, Hidralia and the City Council of Marchena will make tanker trucks with drinking water available to citizens
- HIDRALIA has collaborated with Health from the first moment, communicating daily the different analyzes of the water that reached the municipality network
- The levels obtained in the analytics, although exceeding the state regulations, are much lower than those established by the WHO, and therefore there is no danger to the health of the population.

Faced with the declaration of water not suitable for consumption in Marchena, the Town Council of the town and Hidralia, a company that manages water in the town, will provide the citizens of Marchena with three tanker trucks to supply them with drinking water, prioritizing the distribution to health centers, residences and schools. The trucks will be placed, once all the pertinent Health authorizations have been obtained, starting at 4:00 p.m. today at the fairgrounds, Plaza de la Constitución and La Travesía de San Ignacio. The trucks will be from tomorrow from 10:30 am to 8:00 pm, the days that are necessary.
Hidralia has collaborated with the Ministry of Health and Families from the first moment, providing all the pertinent analyzes of the water in the local supply network. Specifically, on November 26, after the tests and pertinent counter-analyzes of the collected samples, the laboratory confirmed the higher value of benzene than the legislated value, immediately communicating it to all the competent administrations and managers. To find out the origin of the contamination, we proceeded to collect samples from different parts of the city, verifying that both the well catchments and the infrastructures managed by Hidralia were free of contamination, establishing the origin in the water supplied high by ARECIAR.
Health has transferred that the neighbors will not be able to drink the tap water or use it for food preparation. Yes, they can do it for their toilet, showers, personal hygiene and other domestic uses. In any case, according to the World Health Organization, the parametric levels obtained in the water supplied to Marchena, even exceeding the state regulations, are well below what is established by said organization and what can be considered risk for the Health.
Feeling the inconvenience caused outside our management, we will continue to inform you of any news.