CLANER adheres to the Andalusian Network Against Climate Change
The Andalusian Network against Climate Change (REDAC) aims to serve as a meeting point and debate on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Andalusia, while helping to meet the objectives for sustainable development and New Urban Agenda 2030, for which renewable energy is essential
The Association of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (CLANER) has formalized its accession to the Andalusian Network against Climate Change (REDAC), a project promoted by Hidralia and managed by the Hidralia + UGR Cátedra, in order to contribute to the common objective of promoting the social awareness about this global problem.

With its integration in the Network, CLANER reaffirms its leading role in one of the main objectives of REDAC, such as the promotion of climate change mitigation and adaptation actions in Andalusia, for which renewable energies are essential.
This was highlighted by CLANER President Alfonso Vargas, stressing that “the promotion and implementation of clean energy is what has allowed us to face the energy transition for decarbonization of the economy, which is essential for the fight against climate change that requires the conservation of the planet ”.
Gustavo Calero, promoter of REDAC has expressed the importance of CLANER's accession, pointing out that “in Andalusia it is intended to be a benchmark against climate change, in which renewable energy must act as a transversal element in the multisectoral alliances that the network projects "
REDAC acts as a permanent forum in which the affiliated entities, including universities, organizations, companies and organizations of various kinds, exchange experiences, value executed projects and gather information on mitigation and adaptation, while promoting establishment of business, institutional and public-private alliances.
Among its objectives, REDAC aims to serve as a meeting point and debate on mitigation and adaptation to climate change in Andalusia, as well as being a communication and awareness platform; help meet the objectives for sustainable development and New Urban Agenda 2030; act as a reference and driver of change towards a more sustainable management model; and disseminate climate change regulations, with special emphasis on Andalusia.
This Thursday, December 12, Gustavo Calero, Director of Sustainable Development and Innovation of Hidralia will present at the Suez stand at COP25 this project, which aims to make Andalusia a benchmark in the fight against climate change through work set of organizations, associations and companies.
The Association of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (CLANER) was constituted in February 2012 as a group of companies, official organizations, technological and research centers, universities and public foundations, among other agents.
They stand out, among their aims, the representation and defense of the Andalusian sector of renewable energies and energy efficiency, as well as the promotion and promotion of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services associated with said field through the collaboration and cooperation among the members of the cluster so as to strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector.
Among the members of the association, which currently has more than one hundred affiliated entities and represents more than 90 percent of the Andalusian renewable sector, is Andalucía Tech, the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research (CIEMAT), dependent from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, the University of Jaén, the Pablo Olavide University, in Seville, the Discover Foundation, municipal and provincial energy agencies, as well as the main renewable energy companies in Spain and the electricity company Endesa Distribution.