Water unites Rincón de la Victoria and Hidralia, example of efficiency and commitment to the municipality
In the act of delivery of the prizes of Aqualogía to the Best Drawing and Best Slogan, has presented the new image of the company in the municipality
The company that manages the water and sewage service of Rincón de la Victoria, Hidralia has awarded the prizes for the Best Slogan and the Best Drawing of its contest "Responsible consumption of water and environment".

In the act, held in the Plenary Hall of the City Council of the municipality of Costa del Sol, awards have been presented to the winning students, consisting of two checks worth 100 euros exchangeable for school materials. The winners have been two students of Third Grade of Primary School: Estrella Peñuela, from La Marina School, who presented the best drawing, and Irene Quintana, from the 3º B class of the CEIP Carmen Martín Gaite, for having made the best slogan.
These competitions are framed within Aqualogía, the environmental awareness program that Hidralia takes to schools to show the process of the integral water cycle, from its capture until it reaches the houses and again how it is returned to the natural environment, reinforcing the Fun way of saving behavior, consumption and responsible use of the resource. The objective is to make schoolchildren aware of the importance of water and the environment and to know the natural and urban cycles of water, through interactive games. Throughout this course 457 Third Grade of Primary School children from nine schools in the municipality participated in it.
In the act, have been present the manager of Hidralia in Rincón de la Victoria, Pedro Peña, the Head of Service of the company, Francisco Rodríguez, and the councilors of Infrastructure and Education, Sergio Díaz and Antonio José Martín, representing the City Council .
Peña wanted to thank the students for their effort and dedication to participate in the contest, in addition to dedicating all the prominence of the act. "They are the ones who should be the protagonists, because they are responsible for the planet tomorrow and that is why it is very important that they acquire these values of respect for the environment."
New image
But in addition, the act has also served to present what will be the new image of the company concessionary water service for the next three years. His slogan is very significant: "The water that unites us".
Under this new image, and throughout the year, Hidralia intends to carry out communication campaigns and actions directly related to the values of the company: Efficiency, Sustainability, Innovation and Social Commitment.
With this new image, Hidralia will also bet on a new communicative tone, for a modernization and updating of its image and for an outstanding message that insists on its clear intention to renew with force its commitment to Rincón de la Victoria and its citizens .
For this reason, this new image presented by the company draws directly from its Sustainable Development plan, one of its strategic pillars and a transversal element in all its activities. This plan foresees to be developed until the year 2022, although with a view to continuing in the future, and it is divided into three well differentiated axes: People, Planet and Shared Value.
At the service of the citizens of Rincón
The first of the axes, called People, aims to focus on the citizens of Rincón de la Victoria and on the social commitment that Hidralia has with them when providing their services. It includes, for example, the awareness-raising work that the company carries out with the youngest children through its Aqualogía program, in which more than 400 children of the municipality's Primary Third Year participate to learn the values of responsible use of water and respect for the environment.
In addition, Hidralia establishes close ties with local associations, collaborating with associations such as ASALBEZ, with which it participated in the recent Soles de Málaga festival. It also promotes social actions in the municipality through the corporate volunteer program, such as participation in the "Great Collection" of the Food Bank of the Costa del Sol, the "Day of the Flag" of the Spanish Red Cross and the Parade of Kings.
Within this axis, of course, customer service is also found, in which the company puts all its efforts to make it of the highest possible quality. For this reason, it offers its users a free telephone to solve their problems (900 555 566) and another to report faults, which is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (900 555 565), as well as your Twitter account (@infoHidralia) for any type of query and the Virtual Office through its website (www.hidralia-sa.es) to carry out negotiations without leaving home.
The company also offers other services focused on its clients as the previous appointment, to avoid queues in the office; Servialertas, which will inform the user of any incident in their contract by SMS; or the "12 drops" payment method, which allows paying a fixed monthly fee.
Efficiency and respect for the environment
In the Planet axis, perhaps the most important of the three, all actions are encompassed by actions focused on offering a service that is as efficient and respectful of the environment as possible. Not in vain, the technical hydraulic performance that presents the water service of Rincón de la Victoria is 85%, a data of water efficiency that has no competition, not only among the municipalities of the area, but in most of Andalusia.
To achieve these numbers, the company has invested, alone in 2018, 181,000 euros in the renewal and improvement of the municipality's networks and used the most cutting-edge technology in terms of leak detection, as well as launching two innovative projects.
The first was his participation in the "Study of the formative capacity of the sediments in the coast of the province of Málaga, Influence of the eutrophication of the marine environment, Elaboration of a predictive model", to find out the real origin of the "creams" "of the coast of the Costa del Sol. This project was developed by the University of Málaga and, apart from Hidralia, other companies of the sector participated in it.
On the other hand, it has also developed, in collaboration with its technological center, Cetaqua Andalucía, a study of flood risk assessment and associated damage estimation (ERIC). This plan allows, through the analysis of historical flood risks, to develop hazard and vulnerability maps with which measures of adaptation and mitigation of flood risks in the municipality can be established. In short, give a scientific response to minimize the damage and be able to save the lives of people in the event of a natural disaster.
It has also developed an action plan that involves Arroyo Corona, which is located in the northern part of the municipality. A small stream of water that does not generate enough to cover the supply needs of Rincón de la Victoria and, in addition, the quality of it is not recommended for consumption, but still plays an important role. Hidralia has decided to capture these waters and assign them to other tasks such as watering gardens, washing streets or cleaning and unlocking networks. Thus, it would save between 1% and 4% of total drinking water needed by the municipality, which is what Arroyo Corona provides.
Hidralia also collaborates in the fight against climate change by promoting the Andalusian Network Against Climate Change (REDAC) and contributes to reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere with the two electric vehicles and the other two hybrids that it has in its fleet.
Finally, the shared value axis prioritizes ethics and transparency, business collaboration, socially responsible investments, innovation and sustainable management of purchases. The annual edition of the leaflet "The most outstanding in Sustainable Development", in which publicly account of everything made by the company in the municipality during the last year and continuous dialogue with local groups, are two examples of this.
Also, in this effort to make the service as transparent as possible, we find its Twitter profile and its renewed website, as well as the remodeling that its offices have suffered in the last year, in order to offer the customer the best possible service. , and also the most comfortable.
In short, this new image of the company, linked to its Sustainable Development plan, is a new impetus for the relationship between Hidralia and the municipality of Rincón de la Victoria, which is joined by water. A relationship that began in 1997 and that has its sights set well beyond the year 2022.