Hidralia adopts measures to guarantee the water supply
Given the state of alert for the spread of Covid-19, aware of the concern that a basic good such as water can generate among the population and even taking into account that water is not a transmitting agent according to experts, HIDRALIA wishes to state that the supply will be guaranteed with the same guarantees as before.
The quality and safety of drinking water is guaranteed at all times. The current treatment processes and the control parameters of the drinking water guarantee sanitary quality, not being affected by the current situation. Additionally, hand washing with soap and water is one of the main preventive measures to avoid contagion.

HIDRALIA, in coordination with the local and regional authorities and in accordance with its guidelines, has implemented a series of preventive measures aimed at preserving and guaranteeing the health security of all its workers, as well as ensuring the normal operation of the facilities in which it operates: purification plants, or supply or sewerage networks.
Likewise, HIDRALIA has adopted the necessary decisions to dispose, in time and term, of the necessary and sufficient material to ensure the quality of the supply with all the guarantees that are usually being applied.
For greater specificity and transparency, and taking into account that there are certain operations that require face-to-face assistance, HIDRALIA wishes to publicize the following decisions taken:
- Creation of independent operational work teams in the various water treatment plants, purification, supply networks, sewerage, etc. given that the characteristics of the activity require face-to-face work that makes teleworking impossible.
- These operational work teams will operate independently, in order to avoid any risk of contagion and, in case it is detected in any of them, having to establish a quarantine period.
- The design of this operation also implies the disposition of reserve groups, to guarantee the normality of the works of water supply and sewerage.
- The segregation of these work teams also implies the suppression of any direct or indirect contact, both in facilities and changing rooms.
- On the other hand, personal hygiene measures are being optimized and maximised.
- Given the characteristics of the daily activity of the integral water cycle, the work instructions to the contractor companies are basically provided by telephone or telematic, without face-to-face character.
- Likewise, to guarantee the sterility of the operations, all visits to the facilities have been canceled, except for essential activities such as the transport of materials necessary to ensure the healthiness of the water and the normal operation of said facilities.
- Given the risks of eventual shortage of products or components due to the global nature of this crisis, HIDRALIA has proceeded, in collaboration with the rest of the Suez Group companies, to supply the necessary material to ensure the continuity of supply in the coming months with the usual guarantees until now.
HIDRALIA is at all times in communication with the health authorities regarding the current situation and has applied the prevention protocols dictated by the authorities among its staff in all its facilities. Preventive measures (sanitary, teleworking, rotating shifts, ...) are aimed at protecting the health of employees. At all times, the company has shared with the employees detailed information on both the situation in the company and in the environment.
In the same way, in order to protect the health of its employees, of its users and guarantee the continuity of the service with alternative means, HIDRALIA reminds that it has at its disposal the following non-face-to-face attention channels where it can carry out all its processes :
Virtual Office through the web (www.hidralia-sa.es)
Toll-free customer service phone number 900 555 566