In Algarrobo and Rincón de la Victoria, Hidralia awards the Aqualogía prizes for the best drawing and best slogan for responsible water use
Two third-year primary school students in Rincón de la Victoria and a further two schoolchildren from Algarrobo have won the competition ‘Responsible water consumption and the environment’.
Two third-year primary school students in Rincón de la Victoria and a further two schoolchildren from Algarrobo have won the competition ‘Responsible water consumption and the environment’.

In Rincón de la Victoria, the winners were two third-year primary school children: Aurora González, the winner of best slogan, who studies at CEIP Josefina Aldecoa, and Carmen López, third-year primary school student at CEIP Gregorio Marañón, who won the prize for best drawing. The young people won the prize for their originality and efforts in transmitting respect for the environment and efficient water consumption in their works.