Hidralia joins the Andalusian Renewable Energies Association to boost the Biogas area
Hidralia operates a total of 16 wastewater treatment plants, five of which take advantage of the biogas produced during their treatment to produce energy and / or heat
The Association of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (CLANER) has incorporated as associate member Hidralia (Suez Group), a leading company in the intelligent and sustainable management of the integral cycle of water and waste in the region, in order to boost the biogas area within of the organization that represents clean energy in the Andalusian community.

Biogas is a natural energy resource that is obtained from the decomposition or degradation of organic matter, producing a combustible gas capable of generating electrical and thermal energy from certain types of solid or liquid waste, such as wastewater. In this way it is possible to substitute traditional fossil fuels with others of one hundred percent renewable origin.
Hence, CLANER's interest in including this technology within the renewable energy areas that the association currently represents: wind (land and offshore), photovoltaic, thermoelectric, self-consumption, biomass and, now, biogas.
In Andalusia, there are currently 20 biogas production facilities with a total power of 31.53 MW, of which 24.88 MW are connected to the grid and 6.65 MW use the biogas generated for self-consumption.
Hidralia manages water in 53 Andalusian municipalities serving more than 1.3 million people. It operates a total of 16 wastewater treatment plants, five of which take advantage of the biogas produced during their treatment to produce energy and / or heat. As an emblematic case, the South Biofactory of Granada stands out, which, with a treatment capacity of 625,000 equivalent inhabitants, covers practically all of its energy requirements in a self-sufficient way, thus constituting a clear reference in the area of circular economy that has even been recognized internationally by the UN.
The Association of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (CLANER) was constituted in February 2012 as a group of companies, official organizations, technological and research centers, universities and public foundations, among other agents.
Among its aims, the representation and defense of the Andalusian sector of renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as the promotion and promotion of research, technological development and innovation of products, processes and services associated with said field through collaboration and cooperation between the members of the cluster so as to strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector.