Hidralia joins Unicef's 'Rescue Challenge' to achieve survival kits for children
Hidralia collaborates with the UNICEF solidarity campaign Spanish Committee ‘For all my colleagues’ and integrates into the 'Rescue Challenge' to achieve survival kits for children in addition to disseminating this initiative
Hidralia adds another year to the solidarity campaign of UNICEF Spanish Committee with the objective of achieving its objectives and protecting the rights of children so that all children in the world have access to health, food, protection and education. That is why he will endorse the ‘Rescue Challenge’ of the campaign ‘For all my colleagues’ and will donate 5,000 euros for the acquisition of survival kits, valued at three euros each. With each UNICEF kit, you can protect a child from fatal illnesses or help him attend school.

Hidralia's goal is to reach 1,800 kits, which is why it will also encourage its employees and collaborators to participate in this initiative. The kits contain two doses of measles vaccines, three sachets of therapeutic food to treat malnutrition, a bar of soap, a notebook, three pens and 162 tablets to purify 810 liters of water.
To do this, and as usual since 2014, Hidralia is committed to disseminate, through its online invoice and other digital media, such as its website, this UNICEF solidarity campaign.
With the initiative ‘For all my colleagues’ UNICEF intends to join efforts to change the rules of the 'game' so that all the children of the world have the same rights. Thus he uses the phrase of the popular game of hide and seek in which he represents an ‘act of generosity’ towards friends by the first one who is 'saved'.
“There is no better challenge on which to focus the efforts of a society than to achieve a better world for children. A world that is sustainable and in which all its rights and access to basic resources such as water, food or medicines are guaranteed. Hidralia shares UNICEF's dream and that is why we have been collaborating with their campaigns for years with the aim of the day when they are not needed, ”said Matilde Mancha, general manager of Hidralia.
Currently 16 million children suffer severe acute malnutrition and could die and 15,000 children die every day before their fifth birthday due to causes that can be prevented with very simple measures such as vaccines, drinking water or adequate food. Something that precisely affect the kits that UNICEF can provide. The aim of the campaign was to get 30,000 kits, a figure that has already been exceeded, although as stated by the NGO "many more are still needed", which is why Hidralia joins this campaign.