Hydralia and the City Council of Rincon de la Victoria present the awareness campaign "The value of water"
In addition, the company has taken the opportunity to expose the various awareness-raising actions it is carrying out this month, encompassed in its Sustainable Development Plan for the municipality
Hidralia, the concessionaire company of the integral water cycle in Rincón de la Victoria, and the City Council of the municipality of Axarquía have today presented in the consistory the campaign of awareness about the responsible use of tap water titled "The value of water". The event was attended by the director general of Hidralia, Matilde Mancha and the mayor of Rincón de la Victoria, Francisco Salado, as well as the managing director of Hidralia in the municipality, Pedro Peña, and the Councilor of Infrastructures, Sergio Díaz.

It is an awareness campaign, daring, responsible and sustainable that Hidralia will launch in the municipality and that aims to project and sensitize citizens in the necessary sustainability of a resource as essential for life as water.
The campaign is based on two main messages connected to each other: on the one hand, it values the quality of tap water; and on the other hand it expresses the need to make responsible use of it to preserve it, putting on the table clear, measurable and, above all, visual examples.
Through a measure as simple as a one-liter bottle, the campaign shows how much water is wasted when performing four actions as everyday as brushing your teeth, scrubbing dishes, showering or pulling the chain.
The campaign has two distinct broadcast channels. On the one hand there are the four videos between thirty seconds and one minute long that will be broadcast through social networks to increase the reach of messages. On the other hand, there are the physical supports, among which are the glass bottles of one liter referenced in the campaign and in which are engraved the different messages of awareness of it.
Hidralia's CEO, Matilde Mancha, has highlighted the "simpleness and impact" of messages. "It's amazing to see how such simple messages can reveal a reality as complex as the need to make responsible use of water," he said.
For his part, the managing director of Hidralia in Rincón de la Victoria, Pedro Peña, has put the focus on the quality of running water: "With "The value of water" we want to show the high quality of tap water, which should not be belittled in the face of any bottled water, but always sustainably because our future depends on it. It may seem contradictory, but it is possible to value tap water, which in Rincon de la Victoria is excellent, and promote responsible use of it, and this campaign succeeds."

Awareness, in the center of the board
In addition to "The Value of Water", Hidralia has taken the opportunity to present the various awareness-raising actions that it is carrying out in this month and that it will carry out in the next one in the municipality, all of them included in its Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development, which it presented last year under the motto "The water that joins us" and that will be developed until 2022.
Among them is the implementation of the Aqualogy for Secondary program, a pioneering experience that has developed over the last two weeks with the students of 1st ESO of four corner centers: Bezmiliana, Ben Al Jatib, Puerta de la Axarquía and La Marina. In total, 16 sessions have been held that have reached 506 students between the age of 11 and 12 to learn about the integral cycle of water and promote respect for the environment.
In addition, once the sessions are over, students have been able to present a group project with the theme "Measures to be taken in your school to perform responsible, efficient and sustainable consumption of water". Of all the projects presented by the teams consisting of between two and four students, a winner will be selected and its members will be awarded a voucher of 100 euros in sports equipment.
Matilde Mancha has emphasized the importance of raising awareness of the little ones and taking it a step further this year, bringing the program closer to high school students as well. "We can't lose sight of the future not only of the municipality, but of the planet, so it is important to provide them with all the information and tools possible so that they can take care of the environment."
Apart from this novel implementation of the Aqualogy program in Secondary, Hidralia will continue to give one more year its sessions with the students of third Primary of the locality, training those who will be responsible for the planet tomorrow. The 16 planned sessions will begin on March 2 and reach 476 schoolchildren from nine schools: La Candelaria, Gregorio Marañón, Carmen Martín Gaite, La Marina, Josefina Aldecoa, Manuel Laza, Ma del Mar Romera, Tierno Galván and Los Jarales. As every year, children will be able to participate in the contest of best slogan and best drawing, whose winners will receive a voucher of 100 euros in school material.
Pedro Peña highlighted the ease with which these messages capture the little ones and their ability to transmit to their relatives. "In the end we know that it's much more effective to raise awareness of children than older ones, because if you tell them not to throw wipes on the toilet because the pipes get stuck, when they see their parents do it, they're going to tell them, and they're going to listen more than if we tell them directly," he said.
On the other hand, Hidralia has also appreciated the communication action that it is developing during this week on its Twitter account (@infoHidralia) and that has as its protagonist Rincón de la Victoria. For five days, the water service concessionaire has been listing the main social, innovation and sustainability milestones it has achieved in the last year in the municipality, as well as raising public awareness of the proper use of drinking water. This action, called K-Bomb, has been included within the #elaguaquenosune label, the same one normally used by the company to advertise all the actions it develops in the locality.