Rehabilitation of the sanitation network in Calle Alcázar without the need to open ditches
The works consist in the renovation of a section of 20 meters of collector pipe that passes under the road
Hidralia, a concessionaire company of the municipal water supply and sewerage service of Adra, has begun today the rehabilitation of the Alcázar street collector of the municipality, which had breakages and, therefore, caused some leakage of dirty water to adjoining premises. Thanks to the use of technology without ditch, the rehabilitation works will not cause almost any inconvenience to neighbors, shops, traffic or pedestrians, since it can be repaired without opening the road. It will also have a lower environmental impact and cost.

Specifically, the works consist of the renovation of a 20-meter stretch of collector pipe that passes under Calle Alcázar. The system used allows to manufacture a new tube within the existing one. First an inspection of the pipe to be repaired is carried out by means of a television camera to proceed with its cleaning and the elimination of obstacles that may prevent the use of this technique, since a new pipeline is built inside the existing one.
The process involves the introduction into this tube of a sleeve impregnated with resin that is filled with water adapting to the existing form of conduction. This resin is heated accelerating the hardening process of the sleeve until it forms a new solid conduction. Finally, by means of a robot, the necessary connections for the evacuation of the water are reopened. This technique, in addition, offers high guarantees and long duration of use.