Support for the new pioneering Parkinson's center Bahía de Cádiz
Hidralia, responsible for the drinking water and sewage service in San Fernando, has shown its support for this ambitious project that began years ago and has therefore signed an agreement with the entity to help this equipment, whose implementation is expected to be Throughout 2025, it will be a reality as soon as possible.
The launch of the new center will be a great leap in the activity of the Bahía de Cádiz Parkinson's association, not only because it will allow it to offer a greater number of places, improve the care and therapies it offers or increase its staff. But because it will also integrate a space for research, being a pioneering center in Spain in this sense, and so it is expected to become a national reference.
Hidralia, responsible for the drinking water and sewage service in San Fernando, has shown its support for this ambitious project that began years ago and has therefore signed an agreement with the entity to help this equipment, whose implementation is expected to be Throughout 2025, it will be a reality as soon as possible.
The president of the Association of Relatives and Patients of Parkinson's Bahía de Cádiz, Joaquín Izquierdo, and its general director, Lola Garzón, showed the manager of Hidralia, José Luis Trapero, the progress in the work of an action that continues to go through stages thanks to the achievement of subsidies as well as the support of institutions and entities, as in the case of the signed agreement.
Those responsible for Parkinson's Bahía de Cádiz stressed the importance of launching this new day unit, not only because it will allow the current supply of places to be doubled (it is the only care center that the province has), but also the improvement in the care and therapies of its users or the increase in staff, but because it will become a national and regional reference center.
Y es que albergará un espacio de investigación, ya que la asociación trabaja de manera conjunta con la Universidad de Cádiz en dicho campo. Un área que permitirá seguir avanzando en la comprensión de esta enfermedad neurodegenerativa y en la búsqueda para mejorar los síntomas y evitar la progresión de los daños neuronales.
Esta acción se enmarca dentro del Plan Estratégico de Acción Social 24-26 que desarrolla Hidralia con el objetivo de convertirse en un agente de transformación social en aquellos municipios en los que opera.
La cooperación con entidades públicas y privadas y, sobre todo, con entidades sociales, resulta fundamental para Hidralia, ya que son estas organizaciones las que realmente conocen el ecosistema local, las necesidades, oportunidades y acciones que deben llevarse a cabo para lograr un desarrollo verde del territorio que sea justo y equitativo.